Title: It should be no more than 15 words and use title case style (the first letter of each word is capitalized, except for small words).
Abstract: It should be between 150 and 200 words.
For research-based submissions, the abstract should include:
- Background of the study
- Research gaps
- Methodology
- Participants, data collection and analysis
- Results/Findings
- Implications (if any)
For practice-based (workshops) submissions, the abstract should include:
- Rationale
- Theoretical support
- Brief description of techniques
- Participants’ outcomes
Sub-themes: You’re invited to make an abstract submission to one of the sub-themes below:
- Linguistic Diversity and Inclusive Pedagogy
- Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Competence
- Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Student Agency
- Student-Centered Learning, Lifelong Language Learning and Autonomy
- Technology and Equity in Language Education
- Empowering Language Learners
- Second Language Acquisition Theory and Practice
- Curriculum Development and Innovation
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Teacher Identity, Education and Professional Development
- Teaching Chinese/ Japanese/ Korean
Profile: The presenter should include their a profile (approx. 80 words) including their position, institution, country, skills taught, research interests and experiences.
Important notes:
- Reject: The abstract will be rejected immediately if it does not meet the word count requirement, contain many language inaccuracies, and/or plagiarism is detected.
- Submission limit: each speaker will be limited to one abstract submission in which the speaker is a main presenter and one abstract submission in which the speaker is a co-presenter.
- Review process: All submissions will undergo a supportive, fast-track review process. Abstract submission results will be released in March, 2025.
Instructions for submitting an abstract to OpenTESOL’s conference platform (https://program.opentesol.org/) can be found below.
The submission process is completed when you can see your abstract posted on the system, and there is no noticing email for a successfully posted abstract sent to your mailbox.
If you cannot find the ‘enroll me’ button. Please sign out, close the tab/ browser, access https://program.opentesol.org (do not sign in yet), click on ‘the 13th openTESOL’ in the webpage, sign in, then click the ‘self enroll’ button in the webpage.
For technical support, please direct your request to opentesolconference@ou.edu.vn